This simple tool can be very helpful in locating leaks from gaps between tone holes and pads, as well as key to key adjustments. In addition, this tool will assist in finding broken and porous skins, small holes in pad skins, leaks around pad screws and washers, and to check the integrity of joint sockets and receivers.
The Flute Leak Isolator can be used by itself or with the Mag Machine (note that Mag Machine is sold separately).
Easy to use, just insert the isolator into the flute body tube and position the rubber washer just beyond the hole or pad in question. Turn the isolator knob to expand the rubber washer against the wall of the body tube to create an air tight seal. Activate Mag Machine or technician can suck on the open end of the flute tube while closing keys as needed to test the area. If there is a good seal you should feel instant and total vacuum. If no leak is detected, loosen the isolator knob and reposition rubber washer to next tone hole or area in question. Overall length: 18" (46cm).